Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Kid Loco - Another Late Night

Number seven in the ever consistent Another Late Night series finds Frenchman Kid Loco at the helm with another fine selection of nocturnal treats. As ever, the emphasis is on quality rather than quantity. But with an impressive 23 tracks to choose from you thankfully get your fair share of both. Concentrating on a much more contemporary style than previous contributors such as Tommy Guerrero, the boy wonder pays only cursory attention to the oldie but goldie route, with Public Image Limited, Gabor Szabo, Harvey Mandel, John Lucien and Frankie Valentine providing the only pre-1990s support. Instead Loco heads down the route once marked trip-hop, favouring a sluggish, head nodding trawl through hip-hop inspired downbeats and bass-heavy personal favourites. But, what it may lose in variation it makes up for in the well executed mix, a seamless cut and paste journey through a host of long forgotten beats and breaks. From the Herbaliser's "Hard Stuff" and Aim's "Fall Break" to Up Bustle and Out's "The Domino Boys" and Tranquility Bass' "Soldier's Sweetheart". And that's just for starters

1. Mizrab - Gabor Szabo
2. Hard stuff - The Herbaliser
3. Ancoats 2 Zambia - The Baby Namboos (Geoff Barrow mix)
4. Religion l - Public Image Ltd
5. Uplink - Stratus
6. Barcelone - Tommy Hools
7. Cold spin - Zero Theory
8. Fall break - Aim
9. Nana Reprise - Frankie Valentine
10. Tubular Belgian in my goldfiel - Departure Lounge
11. Summer love - Billy Wright (Beyond there mix)
12. So blue its black - The Underwolves (Heavy Manners mix)
13. 183 (Head Nod) - DJ Crystal
14. Top dog - Markus Kienzl (New Version)
15. Wade in water - Harvey Mandel
16. Soldiers sweetheart - Tranquility Bass
17. Lilly Hall - Kraze 1 & Aniis Le Neve
18. The Domino Boys - Up, Bustle And Out
19. Street Preacher - Troublemakers
20. Spooked - Flevans
21. Paralysed - Kid Loco
22. Attitude - Marie et Les Garcons
23. Rashida - John Lucien


Anonymous said...

*sigh* dead link.

Anonymous said...

dead link